This is a comprehensive overview of all speakers at Digital Tech Summit.
We are excited to present a strong group of inspiring and knowledgeable speakers from both academia and industry.
We look forward to welcoming you to two days filled with learning, reflection, and inspiration!
Jacob Østergaard
Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of Division, DTU Wind and Energy Systems
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of Division, DTU Wind and Energy Systems
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Torben Bach Pedersen
Aalborg University and FlexShape
Professor and co-founder
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Aalborg University and FlexShape
Professor and co-founder
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Tom Van de Wiele
Advisor and ethical hacker
The Shadow of AI & Cyber Security - Thinking Outside The Bots
Advisor and ethical hacker
The Shadow of AI & Cyber Security - Thinking Outside The Bots
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen
University of Southern Denmark
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
University of Southern Denmark
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Sune Lehmann
Compute, Technical University of Denmark & University of Copenhagen
Professor of complexity and network Science & Professor of Social Data Science
KEYNOTE | Breaking down the hype in the AI-hype: Where are the real breakthroughs and how will they change our lives?
Compute, Technical University of Denmark & University of Copenhagen
Professor of complexity and network Science & Professor of Social Data Science
KEYNOTE | Breaking down the hype in the AI-hype: Where are the real breakthroughs and how will they change our lives?
Luc Julia
Co-creator of the Apple Voice Assistant, SIRI and Scientific Director at Renault
KEYNOTE | Meet the Co-creator of Apple's Voice Assistant, Siri and Scientific Director at Renault
Co-creator of the Apple Voice Assistant, SIRI and Scientific Director at Renault
KEYNOTE | Meet the Co-creator of Apple's Voice Assistant, Siri and Scientific Director at Renault
Tobias Høygaard Lindeberg
Tænketanken DEA
Deputy Director
Debate | Must Have Competences and Skills in our New Ai World
Tænketanken DEA
Deputy Director
Debate | Must Have Competences and Skills in our New Ai World
Thomas Riisgaard Hansen
Digital Research Centre Denmark (DIREC)
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Digital Research Centre Denmark (DIREC)
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Raghavendra Selvan
University of Copenhagen
Assistant Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Energy consumption in artificial intelligence: are we undermining our transition to sustainability?
University of Copenhagen
Assistant Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Energy consumption in artificial intelligence: are we undermining our transition to sustainability?
Bent Dalager
Head of Innovation and Partner, NewTech
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Head of Innovation and Partner, NewTech
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Elke Schwarz
Queen Mary University London
Professor of Political Theory
KEYNOTE | The future of military technology, Talk and Q&A
Queen Mary University London
Professor of Political Theory
KEYNOTE | The future of military technology, Talk and Q&A
Henning Lysdal
VP Photonics Architecture
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Tokenism or national endeavor: Is Denmark a significant player in the European chip agenda?
VP Photonics Architecture
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Tokenism or national endeavor: Is Denmark a significant player in the European chip agenda?
Georg Bruun
Aarhus University
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Aarhus University
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Wake up, industry! Quantum technology must be harnessed now
Maria Theresa Norn
Entrepreneurship, Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Entrepreneurship, Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Ketil Julsgaard
Global Head of IC Development
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Tokenism or national endeavor: Is Denmark a significant player in the European chip agenda?
Global Head of IC Development
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Tokenism or national endeavor: Is Denmark a significant player in the European chip agenda?
Jørgen Christensen
Green Power Denmark
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Green Power Denmark
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Hanne Leth Andersen
Roskilde University
Rector, professor, Ph.d.
Debate | Must Have Competences and Skills in our New Ai World
Roskilde University
Rector, professor, Ph.d.
Debate | Must Have Competences and Skills in our New Ai World
Maja Kirkeby
Roskilde University
Associate Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Energy consumption in artificial intelligence: are we undermining our transition to sustainability?
Roskilde University
Associate Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Energy consumption in artificial intelligence: are we undermining our transition to sustainability?
Tommy Ahlers
Technical University of Denmark
Honorary Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Technical University of Denmark
Honorary Professor
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Jesper Thagaard Wengel
University of Copenhagen
Vice-Dean for Innovation and External Relations
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
University of Copenhagen
Vice-Dean for Innovation and External Relations
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Digital startups are not scaling in Denmark: What can we do to retain them?
Reggie Townsend
SAS Institute
Vice President of the SAS Data Ethics Practice and member of the US National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC)
KEYNOTE | Building a foundation for Trustworthy AI in the US and beyond
SAS Institute
Vice President of the SAS Data Ethics Practice and member of the US National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC)
KEYNOTE | Building a foundation for Trustworthy AI in the US and beyond
Mads Bjørn-Møldrup
PA Consulting
Partner - Data Science
KEYNOTE | AI - maksimer værdi, men gør det etisk : Sikring af retfærdighed i hver algoritme
PA Consulting
Partner - Data Science
KEYNOTE | AI - maksimer værdi, men gør det etisk : Sikring af retfærdighed i hver algoritme
Jacob Østergaard
Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of Division, DTU Wind and Energy Systems
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of Division, DTU Wind and Energy Systems
KEYNOTE DEBATE | 38 afbrudsminutter årligt i 2032: Har vi styr på AI-styringen af vores fremtidige elnet?
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Carolina Barra
Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor & group leader of Protein Immunoinformatics research group
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor & group leader of Protein Immunoinformatics research group
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Paolo Marcatili
Novo Nordisk Fonden
Head of Antibody Design
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Novo Nordisk Fonden
Head of Antibody Design
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Lars Rønn Olsen
Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Ketil Stølen
Stølen Rådgiving og Undervisning & University of Oslo
Adjunct professor (UiO) and independent advisor
Cybersecurity and SMEs – a risk management perspective
Cybersecurity and SMEs – a risk management perspective | Part of a cyber security event
Stølen Rådgiving og Undervisning & University of Oslo
Adjunct professor (UiO) and independent advisor
Cybersecurity and SMEs – a risk management perspective
Cybersecurity and SMEs – a risk management perspective | Part of a cyber security event
Dylan Cawthorne
UAS Centre, University of Southern Denmark
Associate Professor
Generative AI and Software Development
UAS Centre, University of Southern Denmark
Associate Professor
Generative AI and Software Development
Serkan Ayvaz
Center for Industriel Software, University of Southern Denmark
Associate Professor
Machine-Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems
Center for Industriel Software, University of Southern Denmark
Associate Professor
Machine-Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems
Claudio Pica
Computational Science, University of Southern Denmark
Boosting AI research at Danish universities through Ucloud
Computational Science, University of Southern Denmark
Boosting AI research at Danish universities through Ucloud
Juan Esteban Heredia Mena
Software Engineering, University of Southern Denmark
Assistant Professor
Data Driven Robotics
Software Engineering, University of Southern Denmark
Assistant Professor
Data Driven Robotics
Sune Lehmann
Compute, Technical University of Denmark & University of Copenhagen
Professor of complexity and network Science & Professor of Social Data Science
KEYNOTE | Breaking down the hype in the AI-hype: Where are the real breakthroughs and how will they change our lives?
Compute, Technical University of Denmark & University of Copenhagen
Professor of complexity and network Science & Professor of Social Data Science
KEYNOTE | Breaking down the hype in the AI-hype: Where are the real breakthroughs and how will they change our lives?
Johannes Bjerva
Aalborg University
Associate Professor, Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering
Large Language Model Security in a Multilingual World
Aalborg University
Associate Professor, Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering
Large Language Model Security in a Multilingual World
Frederik Otzen Bagger
Genomic Medicine
Head of Bioinformatics Department
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Genomic Medicine
Head of Bioinformatics Department
AI for better diagnostics and prediction of treatment
Marius Cortsen
Danish Data Science Academy
Co-founder & CEO of the DTU startup ChatTutor
High Tech & High Touch: AI ED Tech Tools for Higher Education
Danish Data Science Academy
Co-founder & CEO of the DTU startup ChatTutor
High Tech & High Touch: AI ED Tech Tools for Higher Education
Josef Oehmen
Technical University of Denmark
Ph.D., MBA, Associate Professor
High Tech & High Touch: AI ED Tech Tools for Higher Education
Technical University of Denmark
Ph.D., MBA, Associate Professor
High Tech & High Touch: AI ED Tech Tools for Higher Education
Ken Friis Larsen
University of Copenhagen
Associate professor, Security, and vice head of department of Computer Science, DIKU
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
University of Copenhagen
Associate professor, Security, and vice head of department of Computer Science, DIKU
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Jens Myrup Pedersen
Aalborg University
Professor, Cyber Security Group
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Aalborg University
Professor, Cyber Security Group
Sikkerhed i fremtidens energisystemer
Morten Arendt Rasmussen
University of Copenhagen
Professor, PhD, Msc, Department of FOOD Science
How can we use AI Language Models for personalized Guidance and Nutrition?
University of Copenhagen
Professor, PhD, Msc, Department of FOOD Science
How can we use AI Language Models for personalized Guidance and Nutrition?
Jonathan Sigh Musso
University of Copenhagen
Bachelor of Machine Learning & Data Science
How can we use AI Language Models for personalized Guidance and Nutrition?
University of Copenhagen
Bachelor of Machine Learning & Data Science
How can we use AI Language Models for personalized Guidance and Nutrition?
Lukas Mikelionis
University of Copenhagen
Data Engineer, MSc graduate in Computer Science
How can we use AI Language Models for personalized Guidance and Nutrition?
University of Copenhagen
Data Engineer, MSc graduate in Computer Science
How can we use AI Language Models for personalized Guidance and Nutrition?
Roman Jurowetzki
Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD, Innovation Studies and Apllied Data Science
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Aalborg University
Associate Professor, PhD, Innovation Studies and Apllied Data Science
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Anders Reenberg Andersen
Technical University of Denmark
Senior Researcher, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics and Data Analysis
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Technical University of Denmark
Senior Researcher, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Statistics and Data Analysis
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Ankit Kariryaa
University of Copenhagen
Tenure-track Assistant Professor
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
University of Copenhagen
Tenure-track Assistant Professor
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Emilie Lundblad
Hempel A/S
Microsoft Regional Director & MVP, Director of Artificial Intelligence & Automation
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Hempel A/S
Microsoft Regional Director & MVP, Director of Artificial Intelligence & Automation
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Peter Lemcke Lemcke Frederiksen
Danish Technological Institute
Lead Project Manager, AI Denmark
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Danish Technological Institute
Lead Project Manager, AI Denmark
How can your data generate new value to your business using AI models?
Thiago Rocha Silva
Software Engineering, University of Southern Denmark
Associate Professor
Generative AI and Software Development
Software Engineering, University of Southern Denmark
Associate Professor
Generative AI and Software Development
Ismail Gögenur
Køge Universitetshospital
Professor, Leder af Center for Kirurgisk Videnskab
Revolutionary use of AI for patients with cancer
Køge Universitetshospital
Professor, Leder af Center for Kirurgisk Videnskab
Revolutionary use of AI for patients with cancer
Anja Boisen
Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of section, Head of center of Excellence ‘IDUN’
Swallow your doctor
Health Technology, Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of section, Head of center of Excellence ‘IDUN’
Swallow your doctor
Leonardo Castorina
University of Edinburgh
PhD student in Biomedical AI
AI in Healthcare – The Next Frontier
University of Edinburgh
PhD student in Biomedical AI
AI in Healthcare – The Next Frontier
Oliver Krancher
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Kontrol af AI-systemer efter implementering: Udfordringer og strategier
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Kontrol af AI-systemer efter implementering: Udfordringer og strategier
Per Nagbøl
IT University of Copenhagen
Kontrol af AI-systemer efter implementering: Udfordringer og strategier
IT University of Copenhagen
Kontrol af AI-systemer efter implementering: Udfordringer og strategier
Pinar Tözün
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Efficient Supercomputing for Data-Intensive Applications
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Efficient Supercomputing for Data-Intensive Applications
Zoi Kaoudi
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Efficient Supercomputing for Data-Intensive Applications
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Efficient Supercomputing for Data-Intensive Applications
Vasilis Galis
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
IT University of Copenhagen
Associate Professor
Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
Vasilieos-Spyridon Vlassis
IT University of Copenhagen
Assistant Professor
Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
IT University of Copenhagen
Assistant Professor
Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
Björn Karlsson
IT University of Copenhagen
PhD student
Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
IT University of Copenhagen
PhD student
Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
Louis Elwood-Leach
Bang & Olufsen
Senior Human Interface Designer
Designing the User Experience (UX) of AI
Bang & Olufsen
Senior Human Interface Designer
Designing the User Experience (UX) of AI
Benedikte Mikkelsen
Co-Founder and the Chief Product Officer
Designing the User Experience (UX) of AI
Co-Founder and the Chief Product Officer
Designing the User Experience (UX) of AI
Jan Madsen
Compute, Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of Department
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Tokenism or national endeavor: Is Denmark a significant player in the European chip agenda?
Compute, Technical University of Denmark
Professor, Head of Department
KEYNOTE DEBATE | Tokenism or national endeavor: Is Denmark a significant player in the European chip agenda?
Line Clemmesen
University of Copenhagen
Professor in statistics, part of DataScienceLab, Sect. og Statistics and Probability Theory
How can advances in AI be utilized in the mental health area and should they?
University of Copenhagen
Professor in statistics, part of DataScienceLab, Sect. og Statistics and Probability Theory
How can advances in AI be utilized in the mental health area and should they?
Sebastian Aristotelis
SAGA Space Architects
Co-Founder & Lead Architect
Next generation Underwaterhabitat UHAB-3 – a human outpost for science and astronaut training
SAGA Space Architects
Co-Founder & Lead Architect
Next generation Underwaterhabitat UHAB-3 – a human outpost for science and astronaut training
Jiri Srba
Aalborg University
AI and Reinforcement Learning for Development of Intelligent Water Management Systems
Aalborg University
AI and Reinforcement Learning for Development of Intelligent Water Management Systems
Michael R. Rasmussen
Aalborg University
AI and Reinforcement Learning for Development of Intelligent Water Management Systems
Aalborg University
AI and Reinforcement Learning for Development of Intelligent Water Management Systems
Anne Hauberg Aakjer
Director, Data Transformation
Bliv AI-klar: Tre essentielle skridt for din virksomhed
Director, Data Transformation
Bliv AI-klar: Tre essentielle skridt for din virksomhed
Birgitte Østergård Sørensen
Teknologisk Institut
Business Manager, Healthcare Robotics & Hospital Automation
Can AI equip robots for unpredictability?
Teknologisk Institut
Business Manager, Healthcare Robotics & Hospital Automation
Can AI equip robots for unpredictability?
Louise Birkedal Glenthøj
University of Copenhagen
Associate professor, Department of Psychology
Kan virtual reality-teknologi revolutionere udredning og behandling af psykiske lidelser?
University of Copenhagen
Associate professor, Department of Psychology
Kan virtual reality-teknologi revolutionere udredning og behandling af psykiske lidelser?
Carsten Utoft Niemann
Rigshospitalet and University of Copenhagen
Hematologist, Chief Physician and Associate Professor
AI model in SP helps understand patient data
Rigshospitalet and University of Copenhagen
Hematologist, Chief Physician and Associate Professor
AI model in SP helps understand patient data
Berit Wennerberg Hansen
DaniaMant A/S
Managing Director
How do we get better digital competencies and talents in the maritime sector internationally?
DaniaMant A/S
Managing Director
How do we get better digital competencies and talents in the maritime sector internationally?
Niels T Haastrup
Fredericia Maskinmesterskole
Asscoiate Professor
How do we get better digital competencies and talents in the maritime sector internationally?
Fredericia Maskinmesterskole
Asscoiate Professor
How do we get better digital competencies and talents in the maritime sector internationally?
Asger Schliemann-Haug
Lloyds Register
Data Scientist
Responsible & cool AI in maritime startup & corporate
Lloyds Register
Data Scientist
Responsible & cool AI in maritime startup & corporate
Lars Holmquist
Director - Data & strategy Execution
Responsible & cool AI in maritime startup & corporate
Director - Data & strategy Execution
Responsible & cool AI in maritime startup & corporate
Anneli Bartoldi
Green Island Group
Senior Product Manager
Maritime Entrepreneurship - How do we innovate and overcome the barriers for creating impact at scale?
Green Island Group
Senior Product Manager
Maritime Entrepreneurship - How do we innovate and overcome the barriers for creating impact at scale?
Christopher Stein
Royal Caribian Group
Lead Engineer, Maritime Cyber Security
How do we improve the safety and cyber security on board?
Royal Caribian Group
Lead Engineer, Maritime Cyber Security
How do we improve the safety and cyber security on board?
Katarina Deylami
BlueTech Center
Network Manager
How do we get better digital competencies and talents in the maritime sector internationally?
BlueTech Center
Network Manager
How do we get better digital competencies and talents in the maritime sector internationally?
Anne Hedegaard
The 0-Mission
CEO & Co-founder
Maritime Sustainability – How do we decarbonize shipping with new technology and behaviour?
The 0-Mission
CEO & Co-founder
Maritime Sustainability – How do we decarbonize shipping with new technology and behaviour?
Ellen Cathrine Luke
Emendo Consulting Group
Navigating the AI Frontier: Emendo Consulting Group's Approach as a Fast Second Mover
Emendo Consulting Group
Navigating the AI Frontier: Emendo Consulting Group's Approach as a Fast Second Mover
Morten Ugelvig Andersen
Venture Cup Danmark
Welcome to the Startup Stage
Developing a world leading startup ecosystem at the Danish universities
University Startup World Cup 2024
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 1)
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Venture Cup Danmark
Welcome to the Startup Stage
Developing a world leading startup ecosystem at the Danish universities
University Startup World Cup 2024
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 1)
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Michael Bjørnlund
Managing Partner, Emerging Technologies Fund
Ask an investor about navigating your first investment
Managing Partner, Emerging Technologies Fund
Ask an investor about navigating your first investment
Stine Kruse
Skylab, Technical University of Denmark
Head of Startup Support and Business Development
Pitch Interrupted - How to turn investors questions from prevention into promotion
Skylab, Technical University of Denmark
Head of Startup Support and Business Development
Pitch Interrupted - How to turn investors questions from prevention into promotion
Maria Stephansen
CPO og Co-founder
Pitch Interrupted - How to turn investors questions from prevention into promotion
CPO og Co-founder
Pitch Interrupted - How to turn investors questions from prevention into promotion
Elisha Soglo-Ahianyo
Aqua Monitor
Co-founder & Software Development Lead
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Aqua Monitor
Co-founder & Software Development Lead
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Christopher Dabire Naya
Green Tech Solutions
Co-founder and Smart Tech Lead
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Green Tech Solutions
Co-founder and Smart Tech Lead
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Azhagu Pandia Raja.M.P
Scrapify Ecotech
Founder & CEO
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Scrapify Ecotech
Founder & CEO
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Arpit Kumar
Navmarg Research & Innovations
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Navmarg Research & Innovations
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 2)
Johnson Thomson Daniel
Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 1)
Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 1)
Sang’udi Emmanuel Sang’udi
Saratani AI
Co-founder Operations Officer
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 1)
Saratani AI
Co-founder Operations Officer
Next Generation Digital Action - International digital startup pitch session (Part 1)