Zoi Kaoudi is an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, a PPMC Member of Apache Wayang (incubating), and a co-founder of Scalytics. She received her Ph.D. on Computer Science from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2011 and has previously held multiple research positions: Senior Researcher at the Technical University of Berlin, Scientist at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), Visiting Researcher at Athena Research Center, and postdoctoral researcher at Inria Saclay. Her main research interests lie in the intersection of data management and machine learning systems, especially federated data processing and learning infrastructures, distributed data processing, and ML-based query optimization. She has published numerous research papers on data management and query optimization in top-tier database and ML conferences and journals and served as a member of the Program Committee for several international database and AI conferences. She has been honoured to receive the best demonstration award at ICDE 2022.