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Theater 1
Theater 2
Theater 3
Theater 4
Theater 5
Theater 6
Startup stage
Maritime stage
Other activities
Georg Bruun - Professor - Aarhus University
Andreas Holbak Espersen - Director - DI
Bent Dalager - Head of Innovation and Partner, NewTech - KPMG
Jan Lillelund - CTO - IBM
Torben Bach Pedersen - Professor og co-founder - Aalborg Universitet og FlexShape
Jesper Nielsen - Vice President - Energinet
Jørgen Christensen - Teknologidirektør - Green Power Denmark
Helene Friis Ratner - Lektor og Ph.D - Aarhus Universitet
Mads Bjørn-Møldrup - Partner - Data Science - PA Consulting
Henning Lysdal - VP Photonics Architecture - NVIDIA
Ketil Julsgaard - Global Head of IC Development - WSA
Jan Madsen - Professor, Head of Department - DTU Compute
Michael Smedegaard - Chief Audio HW Architect - Meta
Morten Bødskov - Erhvervsminister - Socialdemokratiet
Marianne Thellersen - SVP - Technical University of Denmark
Jesper Thagaard Wengel - Vice-Dean for Innovation and External Relations - University of Copenhagen
Rolf Kjærgaard - Project Lead - Novo Nordisk Foundation
Jens Malmodin - Senior Specialist - Ericsson AB
Sara Ballan - Co-lead Green Digital Business Line - World Bank
Maja Kirkeby - Associate Professor - Roskilde University
Jonathan Sigh Musso - Bachelor of Machine Learning & Data Science - University of Copenhagen
Lukas Mikelionis - Data Engineer, MSc graduate in Computer Science - University of Copenhagen
Daniel Hershcovich - Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, PhD Department of Computer Science - University of Copenhagen
Chido Dzinotyiwei - Co-founder & CEO - Vambo AI
Josef Oehmen - Ph.D., MBA, Associate Professor - DTU
Mathias Behn Bjørnhof - Founder - Anticipate
Kenneth Kleissl - Group Technology Director - COWI
Tobias Høygaard Lindeberg - Deputy Director - Tænketanken DEA
Camilla Gregersen - Formand - DM
Grith Okholm Skaarup - Stifter - Humtech
Juan Sánchez Ezquivel - PhD fellow - Aarhus University
Mark Henney - Industrial PhD - DTU Orbit
Rune Møberg Jacobsen - Post.Doc - Aalborg University
Sara Margrét Sigurðardóttir - PhD fellow - University of Copenhagen
Juliane Brigitta Busboom - PhD Fellow - Department of People and Technology Roskilde University
Keld Norman - Senior IT-Sikkerheds konsulent - Dubex
Anna Jensen - Data & Partnerships Manager - HackYourFuture
Luntu Ndalasi - Chief Director : Infrastructure Planning, Delivery & Maintenance - Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent
Peter Steen Mikkelsen - Professor, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - DTU Sustain
Ulla Sparre - CEO - Water Valley Denmark
Nandakumar E - CEO - ICCW-IIT Madras
Philip Grinder Pedersen - Chief Advisor - Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Chengzi Chew - Chief Intrapreneur, FutureLab - Grundfos
Björgvin Hjartarson - Track lead – Next Generation, DTU Skylab - DTU
Gowun Kim - Senior Science, Technology and Innovation Advisor - Innovation Centre Denmark Seoul
Peter Steen Mikkelsen - Professor, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering - DTU Sustain
Daniel Higgins - Innovation and Partnerships Specialist - DRC
Kwamena Leo - Snr Programmer - Ghana Statistical Service
Garima Ujjainia - Consultant, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog - Government of India
Björgvin Hjartarson - Track lead – Next Generation, DTU Skylab - DTU
Gowun Kim - Senior Science, Technology and Innovation Advisor - Innovation Centre Denmark Seoul
Gowun Kim - Senior Science, Technology and Innovation Advisor - Innovation Centre Denmark Seoul
Jonathan Eichild Schmidt - PhD student - Technical University of Denmark
Per Nagbøl - Senior Data and AI Governance Professional - IT University of Copenhagen
Lars Bo Larsen - Direktør - Nationalt Forsvarsteknologisk Center
Roberto Galeazzi - Head of Center - DTU Centre for Collaborative Autonomous Systems
Anders Jørgensen - Vicedirektør, DTU Nanolab - DTU
Rune Møller Jensen - Associate Professor - IT University of Copenhagen
Hans Henrik Knudsen - CEO - Kvantify
Kaare Frogne - CEO - Frogne A/S
Zoi Kaoudi - Associate Professor - IT University of Copenhagen
Vasilieos-Spyridon Vlassis - Assistant Professor - IT University of Copenhagen
Björn Karlsson - PhD student - IT University of Copenhagen
Bjarke Friborg - Faglig konsulent - PROSA
Paolo Marcatili - Head of Antibody Design - Novo Nordisk Fonden
Lars Rønn Olsen - Associate Professor - Technical University of Denmark
Frederik Otzen Bagger - Head of Bioinformatics Department - Genomic Medicine
Martin Rud Ehmsen - CTO - Hesehus A/S
Daniel Russo - Associate Professor - Aalborg University
Lise Pretorius - Chief Sustainability Analysis Officer - Matter
Bas Spitters - Associate prof - Aarhus University
Josef Oehmen - Ph.D., MBA, Associate Professor - DTU
Yana Boozova - UX & Product Designer - Novo Nordisk
Louis Elwood-Leach - Senior Human Interface Designer - Bang & Olufsen
Benedikte Mikkelsen - Co-Founder and the Chief Product Officer -
Michael R. Rasmussen - Professor - Aalborg University
Norbert Kruger - Professor - Robotics, University of Southern Denmark
Juan Esteban Heredia Mena - Assistant Professor - SDU Software Engineering
Emil Stubbe Kolvig-Raun - Universal Robots
Kathrin Kirchner - Associate Professor - DTU
Kasper Edwards - Associate Professor - DTU
Ankit Kariryaa - Tenure-track Assistant Professor - University of Copenhagen
Emilie Lundblad - Microsoft Regional Director & MVP, Director of Artificial Intelligence & Automation - Hempel A/S
William Watson - Procurement Analyst - CO-RO A/S
Eskil Olav Andersen - Postdoc - Aalborg University Business School
Gustav Emil Mark-Hansen - IT-Officer (ML) - University of Copenhagen
Martin Rud Ehmsen - CTO - Hesehus A/S
Daniel Russo - Associate Professor - Aalborg University
Lisbeth Nielsen - Direktør (Tidligere direktør i Sundhedsdatastyrelsen) - Filadelfia
Laura Klitgaard - Formand - IDA
Jesper Grønbæk - CEO & founder - Health Tech Hub Copenhagen
Torben Klitmøller Hollmann - Centerchef, Sundhed og Ældre (Tidligere formand for social- og sundhedssektoren hos FOA) - Næstved Kommune
Marianne Skjold - Direktør - Psykiatrifonden
Lone Nørager Kristensen - Landsformand - Epilepsiforeningen
Camilla Skødt Bonde - Sygeplejerske og sundhedsfaglig rådgiver - Epilepsiforeningen
Christoffer Aagaard Melson - Medlem af Folketinget , Venstre - Folketinget
Melanie Ganz - Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen - DIKU and Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet - University of Copenhagen
Thomas Hildebrandt - Professor - University of Copenhagen
Thomas Riisgaard Hansen - Direktør - Digital Research Centre Denmark (DIREC)
Jon Bojsen Cetti - Founder & partner - Cybercue
Kim Høse - Director of Sales and Marketing - Institut for Cyber Risk
Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen - CTO - ATLA.AI
Søren Schou - CEO & Cofounder -
Rasmus Bisgaard - Regional Business Lead - NVIDIA
Jacob Østergaard - Professor, Head of Division, DTU Wind and Energy Systems - Technical University of Denmark
Jens Myrup Pedersen - Professor, Cyber Security Group - Aalborg Universitet
Per Nagbøl - Senior Data and AI Governance Professional - IT University of Copenhagen
Philippe Bonnet - Professor - DIKU
Johannes Bjerva - Associate Professor, Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering - Aalborg Universitet
Morten Ugelvig Andersen - CEO - Venture Cup Danmark
Jeppe Dørup Olesen - Chief Innovation Officer - Aarhus University
Søren Land - Kontorchef - SDU RIO
Karin Beukel - PhD, Senior Innovation Project Manager - Københavns Universitet
Michael Bjørnlund - Managing Partner, Emerging Technologies Fund - Rockstart
Pia Glavind - Investor - privat investor
Tine Marie Kjærgaard Lindgreen - VC - Seed Capital
Martin von Haller Grønbæk - Lawyer and Partner - Bird&Bird
Kamilla Pedersen - Medical Education Researcher, PhD - Aarhus University
Sara Lucey - CEO - ScrewSaver
Nikolaus Schmidradner - Co-founder - CrowdConnect
Angelica Urbina - CEO - Fabreco Co Ltd.
Iciar de la Fuente Galiano - Business Developer - BAETA Carbon Solutions
Camilla Nørgaard Jensen, PhD - Chief Innovation Officer - DTU Skylab / Pioneer Centre for AI
Marie Louise Pollmann-Larsen - Team Leader - DTU Skylab
Charlotte Søgaard - Senior Innovation Director - COWI
Marie Louise Pollmann-Larsen - Team Leader - DTU Skylab
Kevin Leonardo Castañeda Villamil - CEO - Kumpels
Stig Valla - Co-Founder - Carboplanner
Victor Baraza - Team Lead - TawiHealth
Johnson Thomson Daniel - Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer - MedPack
Mlungiseleli Bucu - CEO - 4th AI Holdings
Sang’udi Emmanuel Sang’udi - Co-founder Operations Officer - Saratani AI
Paulina Parra - General Manager - Vortico
Viktor Thomsen - CEO - Patentopia
Anette Nørgaard - Relationship Director - Visma Dinero
Asger Trier Bing - serial-entrepreneur & CEO - Alea Quantum Technologies
Ingrid Haug - Innovation Consultant - DTU Skylab
Tine Risbæk Jensen - Innovation Specialist - ICDK HQ
Af Malhotra - Founder and Chair - Diversity Economics Institute
Angela Namere - Founder & CEO - myBelly
Rebecca Jensen - Founder - Diverse Founders Network Denmark
Catharina Christiansen - House of Impact
Human Shojaee - Founder and business leader
Khushboo Verma - Founder & CEO - VCare Denmark
Morten Ugelvig Andersen - CEO - Venture Cup Danmark
Elisha Soglo-Ahianyo - Co-founder & Software Development Lead - Aqua Monitor
Martina Vojtkova - CEO - Gridlinx
Christopher Dabire Naya - Co-founder and Smart Tech Lead - Green Tech Solutions
Azhagu Pandia Raja.M.P - Founder & CEO - Scrapify Ecotech
Arpit Kumar - CEO - Navmarg Research & Innovations
Rebecca Muiruri - Founder/CEO - Dronecrops
SeungHwan Jeong - CEO - SaeFarm
Tom Chae - CEO - Linethree
Chido Dzinotyiwei - Co-founder & CEO - Vambo
Anette Nørgaard - Relationship Director - Visma Dinero
Asger Trier Bing - serial-entrepreneur & CEO - Alea Quantum Technologies
Ingrid Haug - Innovation Consultant - DTU Skylab
Tine Risbæk Jensen - Innovation Specialist - ICDK HQ
Thomas Gulløv Longhi - Innovation Manager - Blue Tech Center
Nej Novak - CEO & Co-founder - Anemo Robotics
Asger Schliemann-Haug - Data Scientist - Lloyds Register
Christian Bonfils - Co-founder and Board Member - Oceanpass
Kristian Too Andreasen - CEO - Kanda
Bodil Biering - CEO & Founder - Cyberjuice
October 30, 15:00: Meet Rune Møberg Jacobsen, after PhD power hour. October 30 & 31: We demonstrate the interactive game Wordle, Water Detention Pond Controller, Traffic Light Control, and UAV Robot Operating System - all using reinforcement learning as applied in the award winning tool UPPAAL Stratego.
Come by our booth, get your badge scanned, and sign up to win a reMarkable 2 E-ink tablet.
Kl. 11: AIRE EDIH fortæller om deres erfaringer med implementering af AI og robotter (det er en EDIH fra Estland) Kl. 12: AI-Power fortæller om udrulningen af i deres virksomhed og som testcase i samarbejde med Alexandra-Instituttet Kl. 14.15: Mimiry Unlocking Europe's GPU Compute Power for AI Innovation Kl. 15: DTU: Trustworthy AI – hvordan kan vi sikre, at de troværdige AI-løsninger vinder på markedet
Akkodis Data Respons Solutions is proud to present the latest available products and solutions towards Edge and AI, to be used for industrial applications. Here, also real life IIOT solutions in combinations with Cloud and system management are illustrated. All based on COTS and ready available building block.
Exhibition of robotic technologies, including autonomous marine systems, autonomous aerial systems, autonomous ground vehicles, and robotic manipulation.
Meet the innovative solutions from Estonia at stand nr.606: Proekspert, YANU, Feelingstream, birkle IT, AI & Robotics Estonia and Tallinn University of Technology
At our booth at the Digital Tech Summit, you can meet various space tech startups from the ESA BIC program and learn about their innovative projects in the space tech industry. Indulge your sweet tooth at our candy station, offering a selection of freeze-dried treats. We’ll also be hosting a competition, giving you a chance to win some great prizes! Don't miss out on this unique experience!
I samarbejde med Innodisk præsenterer vi en række embbeded PC løsninger med henblik på AI applikationer.
Vi kommer med en udstilling bestående af; akustik og vibration fx støj- og vibrationsmåling, AR og fejlfinding på møllevinger, IoT og måling af belastninger på fx skovle til gravemaskiner og sensorer til tilstandsvurdering af fx kritisk infrastruktur. Så kom forbi vores stand til en kop kaffe og en snak.
// We will be bringing and showcasing solutions within; acoustics e.g. noise and vibration measurement, AR and fault finding on wind turbine blades, IoT and continuos measurement of the state of e.g. shovels for excavators and sensors for condition monitoring of e.g. critical infrastructure. So stop by our stand for a cup of coffee and a chat.
Er du klar til cyber-landsholdet? Kom forbi IDA på stand 200 og test dine hackerevner - hack en hjemmeside eller et password. Prøv kræfter med vores hands-on træningsplatform, hvor du i et virtuelt miljø lærer at tænke og agere som en hacker. Er du ikke interesseret i at teste dine hackerevner, vil du måske teste dine evner i det gode gamle spil fra fritidshjems-dagene – BRIO-labyrinten. Vi sætter et kursus til en værdi af op til 10.000 kr. på højkant blandt de 5 hurtigste. Er du heller ikke til labyrinter, så har du måske lyst til at dele gode råd om dine erfaringer med AI på vores væg om gode råd. Vi giver en miljøvenlig notesbog i bytte.
Interact with 23 international university teams & 17 start-up showcasing ideas and prototypes from global innovation program - ready to tell you more about their exciting solutions targeting emerging technologies for societal impact.
Onsdag den 30. oktober kl. 16.15 afslører fonden prisvinderne af Den Lyse Idé 2024 og i alt 500.000 kr. på Startup Scenen. Efter prisuddelingen åbner baren. Mød os på standen og få mere information om fondens formål og bevillinger.
Step inside UHAB-2: The Future Training Facility for ESA’s Astronauts!
SAGA Space Architects will showcase UHAB-2 in front of Øksnehallen – an impressive 1:1 prototype of the deep-sea habitat of the future, expected to be operational by 2027. This groundbreaking habitat will not only serve as an underwater training center for astronauts but could also play a crucial role in invaluable deep-sea research and security-related missions.
Take the opportunity to step inside this fascinating 40-foot training facility and experience how future space stations will be simulated when astronauts train for space expeditions in the brand-new lunar hall at Kølen – a journey into the future you won’t want to miss!
At the SAGA Space Architects booth, you can meet Sebastian Aristotelis – the visionary behind this groundbreaking habitat. He will present UHAB-1, the first miniature version of the habitat, which underwent a daring 48-hour underwater test to ensure its life-support system. Join this unique journey into the future of space exploration and discover how innovation and technology are creating a new era for humanity in space!
Oplev banebrydende teknologi på vores stand. Se robothunden Spot i aktion, kom tæt på fremtidens printede elektronik til smartere og mere bæredygtige produkter, og hør mere om sensorer, der optimerer energiforbruget på tværs af sektorer. Connect med vores eksperter inden for robotteknologi, fremtidens grønne energisystemer, digitalisering, iværksætteri og bæredygtighed. Kom forbi og få indsigt i, hvordan vi kan hjælpe din virksomhed med at udnytte digitale værktøjers potentiale til at skabe konkurrencefordele for din virksomhed. Experience groundbreaking technology at our stand! Watch the Spot robot dog in action, explore the future of printed electronics for smarter and more sustainable products, and learn about sensors that optimize energy consumption across sectors. Connect with our experts in robotics, future green energy systems, digitalization, and sustainability. Stop by and discover how we can help your business harness the potential of digital tools to create competitive advantages.
Meet the speakers, Meet DIKU Business Club, experience our research areas and ask questions about our educations. Ankit Kariryaa Carsten Utoft Niemann Jesper Thagaard Wengel Jonathan Sigh Musso Ken Friis Larsen Line Clemmesen Louise Birkedal Glenthøj Lukas Mikelionis Morten Arendt Rasmussen Raghavendra Selvan Sune Lehmann
Read about the tracks at Digital Tech Summit
This track provides insights into how AI is transforming both industry and the public sector in Denmark. Participants will learn about everything from the tax authorities' use of AI to its role in mental health and smart manufacturing. Perfect for those looking to understand the practical applications of AI and the ethical implications