Torben Bach Pedersen
Full Name
Torben Bach Pedersen
Job title
Professor and co-founder
Aalborg University and FlexShape
Speaker Bio

Torben Bach Pedersen is a professor of computer science at Aalborg University, Denmark, focusing on Big Data Analytics with applications in Digital Energy. He has published more than 340 peer-reviewed papers which received more than 9200 citations on Google Scholar, yielding an h-index of 52. He serves on the PCs of the top conferences in (big) data management (SIGMOD, PVLDB, ICDE, CIKM, and EDBT) and digital energy (ACM e-Energy) where he will be co-PC Chair for 2025. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor, and a Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences. He received the Best Paper Award at ACM e-Energy and an Honorary Doctorate from TU Dresden for his work on managing energy flexibility using FlexOffers, which are used in more than 25 EU and national research projects with thousands of prosumers, and a number of commercial products. He is co-founder of, the European forum for energy flexibility and co-founder of FlexShape which builds a flexibility aggregation and trading platform.