Predictive Policing - use of AI in the public sector
Intelligence-led, Big Data, or Predictive Policing? The session will problematize what sort of policing does the Danish police practice in the digital era. Discussion of the different concepts of digital policing from an international, national, and regional perspective including the international experience with predictive and Big Data platforms, the Danish historical context, and specifically the case of POL-INTEL, the digital platform that the Danish Police purchased in 2016.
Vasilis Galis - Associate Professor - IT University of Copenhagen
Vasilieos-Spyridon Vlassis - Assistant Professor - IT University of Copenhagen
Björn Karlsson - PhD student - IT University of Copenhagen
Bjarke Friborg - Faglig konsulent - PROSA
Vasilieos-Spyridon Vlassis - Assistant Professor - IT University of Copenhagen
Björn Karlsson - PhD student - IT University of Copenhagen
Bjarke Friborg - Faglig konsulent - PROSA
Dato & Tid
torsdag den 31. oktober 2024, 15.00 - 15.30
Sal 3
AI i Industri og Offentlige Sektor