Strategic Foresight for Resilient Organizations

Matthew J. Spaniol:
This presentation reports on insights gained from running foresight interventions with 80 firms. This formidable effort, financed by the Danish Industry Foundation, was coined the Danish Resilience Project and led to the production of hundreds of scenarios. Some lessons are only obvious after the intensive, high-frequency experience implementing foresight, and 5 of the takeaways are recounted in this presentation.

These insights are applicable for strategists working to bolster organizational resilience, and help you to better expect the unexpected when dealing with foresight.

Mathias Behn Bjørnhof: 
SMEs often fly blind when it comes to keeping up with emerging trends and disruptions, struggling to balance exploring what’s around the corner while juggling day-to-day operations. Scanning for future signals and trends using AI-driven horizon scanning offers a solution by providing small businesses with readily available tools to anticipate and monitor shifts, and make the right strategic decisions before it might be too late. Drawing on the SME Navigator project,

I'll share insights into how AI can help SMEs scan for weak signals and spot opportunities early—enabling them to innovate, adapt, and stay competitive. This is something businesses can start integrating tomorrow, with practical tools that make foresight actionable, not abstract.

Dato & Tid
torsdag den 31. oktober 2024, 12.45 - 13.15
Sal 1
AI i Industri og Offentlige Sektor, Robotics og Fremtidens Teknologier

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