Nikolaj Mackenzie
Job title

Driven by a mission to revolutionize corporate transportation sustainability, Drivn emerges from the age of net-zero emissions. Our platform tackles the prevalent challenge many businesses face: the absence of trustworthy, real-time data on employee transportation's environmental impact. Traditional methods, like employee surveys, offer inconsistent results, making sustainability objectives and compliance with regulations such as CSRD and ESG a daunting task. Enter Drivn. Our solution blends an intuitive mobile app with a web-based admin panel, tracking employee travel emissions in real-time. With machine learning and geofencing, Drivn seamlessly discerns work-related travel, deducing transport type and consequent emissions. The data feeds into the admin dashboard, simplifying CSRD & ESG reporting, and granting businesses the power of informed decision-making. Future iterations promise gamification and educational facets, nudging employees towards sustainable habits.

Founded by a trio of sustainability-driven Danes, Drivn offers not just regulation compliance but a pathway to tangible environmental change. Companies can now sidestep outdated survey models in favor of precise emission metrics, laying the groundwork for substantial emission reductions. Our B2B SaaS model, with a tiered pricing structure, caters to businesses of all scales, fostering long-term collaborations. As we venture forth, we remain committed to making corporate travel greener, one journey at a time.
