Dylan Cawthorne
Dylan Cawthorne
Job title
Assosiate Professor
University of Southern Denmark

Dylan Cawthorne is an Associate Professor at the Drone Center at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. Dylan's goal is to make the world a better place using ethics, technology, art, and craft. Dylan is a champion for the use of ethics and human values in engineering, and an activist engineer. Dylan's main area of research is using value sensitive design methods and ethical principles to design and build prototype drones - as documented in his  PhD thesis and new book "The Ethics of Drone Design". These drones are used in humanitarian and public healthcare contexts in DenmarkAfrica, and beyond. A common theme in Dylan's work is the support of de-centralized technologies and democratic, grassroots organizations and methods. In 2021, Dylan won the Inspiration Prize from his university for his work with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, and in 2023 the Peace Rose from “Never More War”. You can read more about Dylan at: https://www.dylancawthorne.com/.