Lunch Talk | The Power of the Personal: Making AI for Individuals
Right now, generative AI is everywhere. But most of the tools out there offer generic one-size-fits-all experiences for users. LAIKA founders Charlene Putney and Martin Pichlmair believe that the next stage of AI will focus on the personal: crafting unique experiences for each individual user. They've been exploring this for the last year with a personalized creativity tool for writers, and are now set to pivot to crafting a full-fledged "writers room" with AI.
In this talk, they'll share wisdom from their journey so far, including 3 specific actions startups can take to personalize their AI offerings.
Camilla Nørgaard Jensen, PhD, Innovation Manager for Digital Technologies & Artificial Intelligence
Dato & Tid
torsdag den 9. november 2023, 12.00 - 12.30
Startup scenen