Working behind the war - hot or not?

How is it working in the defence industry knowing that your ideas and products can end up killing people? What do you tell at the dinner party and how do your friends react? Has it become more acceptable to work with weapons and other parts of defence after the war in Ukraine? How does the defence industry attract young talents? And what about dual use - how do tech-people at universities and in private companies cope with the possibility that their work can become a crucial tool in a war like we have seen with the Starlink-satellites?

Panel discussion with

  • Dylan Cawthorne, Associate Professor, Drone researcher, SDU
  • Jeppe Samih Paaske, studentermedhjælp hos Terma og studerende ved Aalborg Universitet.
  • Henrik Møller Hedemark, Vice President, Product Development and Quality in Systematic
  • Rasmus Larsen, Vice Chancellor DTU og Chairman of Nationalt Forsvarsteknologisk Center
Thomas Djursing | Journalist, Ingeniøren
Dato & Tid
torsdag den 9. november 2023, 12.45 - 13.15
Sal 3
Sikkerhed og Etik i AI, Karriere

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