KEYNOTE | Using and integrating Artificial Intelligence for decision making in the danish industry are of rapidly growing importance: A look inside Ørsted and FLSmidth

11:30-11:45 Intelligence in the mining industry: a balance between AI and human skills by Mikko Tepponen, FLSmidth:
Using and integrating Artificial Intelligence in the mining industry are of rapidly growing importance. Energy optimization, predicted maintenance, and enhanced productivity are just three gains out of many. But it is not a new thing. In contrary, using and crushing big data in mining operations as goes decades back. And it is always a balance between computer power and human analysis and intelligence. 

CDO Mikko Tepponen from global leading mining technology firm FLSmidth cast a light on how he utilizes AI to benefit his customers, addresses among other things the fundamental question: What are computers best at – and where do humans remain superior?

11:45-12:00 Orsted: Our use of AI and data-driven insights to proactively manage wind farm operations and maintenance by Jan Frydendall, Ørsted 
Ørsted wants to be industry-leading in shaping a world entirely on green energy. One of the supporting pillars to achieve this is a digital operations organization that uses Artificial Intelligence technologies for decision support over the entire value chain to drive revenue for Ørsted and owners.

In this talk, Head of Operations Advanced Analytics Jan Frydendall will discuss Ørsted choice for a proactive approach to Operations and Maintenance using a large amount of data from the wind turbine portfolio together with Artificial Intelligence to focus on value optimization including handling of the most prominent risk drivers on unscheduled breakdowns, power production, and yield.

12:00-12:15 Q&A

Frederik Marcher Hansen | Journalist, Ingeniøren
Dato & Tid
torsdag den 9. november 2023, 11.30 - 12.15
Smart Energy

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