KEYNOTE | Can the European technological sovereignty be enhanced?

Kl. 13.30-14.00: Aligning Perspectives on the Governance of Emerging Technologies: a transatlantic need by Andrea G. Rodríguez

Advancements in artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, like quantum computing, are creating new challenges about how to ensure the ethical and lawful use of these technologies in a way that promotes accountability and democratic values. However, emerging technologies have also entered the realm of geopolitical competition with actors like the European Union and the United States, but also China, playing a very important role.
The strategic importance of emerging technologies has provoked an unprecedented wave of policy action on both sides of the Atlantic. In the European Union, negotiations are ongoing to pass the first-ever international AI regulation while the US has also inaugurated a set of policy guidelines and documents aimed at tackling emerging risks. At the same time, on quantum technologies, the US has been quickly developing a policy framework to ensure that US innovation remains ahead of the curve while at the EU level policy initiatives in this area are still scarce.
A transatlantic response is more necessary than ever to spot emerging challenges posed by emerging technologies as well as to co-design policy responses that can become the backbone of new frameworks of democratic global governance of these technologies. Indeed, there are some ongoing efforts. The 2021 EU-US Trade and Technology has come up with a series of outputs that show a common understanding of issues and, at the security and defense level, NATO is also working on actionable guidelines for the development and use of emerging technologies. However, questions remain about how to ensure that a common understanding leads to joint action in a moment of intense geopolitical rivalry and economic competition.


Kl. 14.00-14.30: Microprocessor production within the EU, an engineering challenge by Christian Lassen

A presentation that focuses on the challenges of building and sustaining a high-tech production within the EU that focuses on larger independence and providing redundancy for materials production and chip manufacture. This is a session viewing the challenges and possible solutions seeing from an engineer’s perspective.

14.30-14.45: Q&A 

Peter Christian Bech-Nielsen | Politisk Redaktør, Teknologiens Mediehus
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
DTS Tracks
AI in Industry and the Public Sector, Robotics and Future Technologies

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