BREAK-OUT SESSION: Five Lessons for Improving Deep Learning (DL) Productivity
Dato & Tid
onsdag den 22. maj 2024, 10.00 - 10.25

During this session Johnny Dahlberg, Senior Systems Engineer from VAST Data walks the audience through best practices for performance analytics and maintenance of a deep learning system. As GPU technology continues to advance, the demand for faster data continues to grow. In deep learning, input pipelines are responsible for a complex chain of actions that ultimately feed data into GPU memory, including reading from storage and pre-processing data. These pipelines bring together multiple hardware systems, networking, CPUs, and storage along with sophisticated software systems to drive the data movement and transformation.

Key Takeaways: 

  • “AI" is a Data Pipeline
  • Don’t Throw Your Data into Data Lake
  • Cloud or Not to Cloud?

Break-out session hosted by Advania

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