Ports – system integration, port integration, and risk assessments

How do we implement new technologies for decarbonizing the maritime sector, and how do we ensure that we have adequate methods and tools to cope with the safety of such technologies? Shipping companies must drastically reduce their emissions within the coming years; a task that cannot be accomplished without using alternative fuels and other new technologies. Technology readiness, availability, and price gaps comprise the main challenges, particularly for first movers. Green shipping corridors can be seen as an enabler for kick-starting this green transition. However, several challenges must be met, such as (a) developing new and innovative ship designs, (b) investigating system integration with port infrastructure and processes, and (c) performing comprehensive risk assessments of the infrastructure.

Moderator: Michael Barfod - Management, Technical University of Denmark
Dato & Tid
onsdag den 30. oktober 2024, 12.45 - 13.15
Sal 3

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