Generative AI and Software Development
In this session we will discuss the implications of Generative AI adoption in software development. An industry talk will open the session presenting the industry perspective on the topic. In the sequence, two academic talks will present empirical findings on Generative AI adoption in industry and discuss ethical aspects of such an adoption. Finally, a panel with the three speakers will debate the implications for the Danish software industry.
Dylan Cawthorne - Associate Professor - SDU UAS Centre
Martin Rud Ehmsen - CTO - Hesehus A/S
Daniel Russo - Associate Professor - Aalborg University
Martin Rud Ehmsen - CTO - Hesehus A/S
Daniel Russo - Associate Professor - Aalborg University
Moderator: Thiago Rocha Silva - University of Southern Denmark
Dato & Tid
onsdag, oktober 30, 2024, 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Sal 4
Sikkerhed og Etik i AI, Supercomputing og Teknologisk Infrastruktur, Robotics og Fremtidens Teknologier